Huh, nobody has complained about crashing so far. We will work on it being more clear with the instructions!
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Love the vibe of the game and the atmosphere overall! Gameplay is kinda dull though. Too much waiting for something to brake to fix and no overarching goal. Was not sure what the win condition was. No instructions given (in game at least). Felt lost (not in on the map, just on what needs to be done, since most of the time nothing needed to be done). Great base for a game, you have a lot of small mechanics that can add to the game, it just needs to connect and be polished!
Playing more games in an hour, definitely will check it out. We also need some more rats so feel free to check our game out too:
Will check it out after work. Here is ours if you want to check it out:
Will make sure to check out yours later!
There is indeed, but it feels mandatory for some jumps. It is used to make the player feel like there expectation of where the ledge ends meet the reality! In your case unless you rely on the coyote jump you will miss most of the time, because you need to jump right at the end or after the end of the ledge. All I am saying i that coyote jump is quality of life and not a mechanic to build a level or jump around it.
Played your game and rate!
Here is ours:
What an amazing entry! There are small things like small grammar inconsistencies (I saw one, there might be more) and not teaching the interact button, but this is ok. One thing that I would criticize harsher is making coyote jump mandatory (or nearly mandatory, not sure). Coyote jump is great to make the player feel good when they "lag", eyes deceive people and it serves as aligning our expectation with reality. But the moment you make the coyote jump necessary its usefulness becomes a burden. Otherwise I really enjoyed the dialogue and the concept, really fun! Maybe the dialogue at the beginning is a touch too long too.
Here is ours:
Will make sure to check out yours later, especially if you have left a comment!
Why is Z dash?!?!?!?! Also pls do not make me go through the whole game when i die... I really want to finish the game, but the control scheme just makes me puke. I guess it is a skill issue, but the dash is sooooo not intuitive on z... Otherwise work on collision and player feedback on hit and dmg (against enemy and player). Still a good game, I am just annoyed at the dash...
Great game! Love all Celeste type games on jams. This one has some unique stuff you could make more use of in the future, like the rolling and the falling platforms. You need to take time to get the movement feel right tho, right now it is too snappy and fast. Falling platforms do not seem to fall because the background is not moving which is jarring. You can lock yourself out of bamboo too easily and it is not as obvious where the main path is, when it branches it is a 50/50 if you are going towards the bamboo, or locking yourself out of it. Still very good and enjoyable game! Keep going!
Will make sure to play your game some time later today!
Here is ours:
If you leave a comment I will make sure to play and rate your game!
Here, will play yours if you leave a comment!
Adding your game to my list! Will get to it in the next day or two! In the meantime you could rate our game if you have the time!